Saturday, May 23, 2009

Memorial weekend

Tony has been working 6 days a week for the last month, he finally got a couple days off so we decided to go to Salmon for the weekend. Our friend, Ryan, has a cabin up there and he invited us up. We had so much fun and the weather was so nice. The boys love to be outside. Ryan thought it would be fun to bring water guns, so here is Ryan and Cody having a water gun fight.

Tony let Brandon have a turn at driving. He loves to push all the buttons.

The boys and I decided to go for a hike on Sunday. Cody, who is only 3, took the picture of Brandon and I. I think he is better with the camera than I am.
It may be hard to see but Tony took a picture of some elk that we saw off the side of the road. We saw a bunch of elk and some deer. It was fun for the boys to see them.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Horn hunter

My husband, Tony, loves to hunt. He is hoping to get the boys into it as much as he is. One of his favorite pastimes is scouting or looking for horns. He and Cody went out today to go for a 4-wheeler ride and look for horns. Cody found his first horn, a moose horn, and was so excited. He insisted on showing everyone, including Grandpa his horn. They had so much fun that day. Cody already tells us that he loves to go shooting and hunting. Tony is thrilled!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Goofy Hats

Here are my two boys, the goof balls, they found whatever they could to put on their heads. Brandon ended up with a basket and Cody has on a old marching band hat (my mom had in her closet). I just love having these everyday nonsense pictures even though I am not a very good picture taker.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Baby Animals

Blackfoot had an baby animal fair in town this weekend. I decided to take the boys and met up with my sister-in-law, Samantha and her three girls, we had a lot of fun.

Here is Grace and Asia holding cute bunny rabbits.
Here is a picture of Grace, Asia and Leah, Sam's three adorable girls. SO CUTE!!!!

Here is Cody, Leah and Brandon all loving on little baby chicks.

This is Grace, Cody and Asia looking at a snake in a glass cage, thank goodness it was in a cage, YUK!!
Cody tells me all the time now that he wants to go to see baby animals. He just loves animals.

Friday, May 1, 2009

So Tired

This shows how hard my little one can play. He was playing wtih this catepillar toy until he was exhausted.

This is Brandon asleep with a catepiller toy across his face. I just thought it was so funny.