Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Worn out

Cody and Brandon play so hard all day long that they are worn out. Here are some pictures of sleeping boys.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Boys and bikes

Spring has come and the boys are ready to play. Cody has gotten too big for his bike from last year so now Brandon is riding it. He loves his bike.

Here is Cody on his bike. It is nice that we have a big driveway so they can ride all day long.

Monday, April 5, 2010


Time to color eggs, it is Easter!!! The boys had a blast coloring eggs, Cody took a picture of the finished product.

That weekend also was my birthday and my most wonderful boys got me the most beautiful roses. I wanted to keep them forever, so I took a picture, that way I can always look at them.

We also had great company for the weekend, Bryon, Angela, Courtney and Chelsie surprised us and showed up at our house Easter morning. We also had all the Mechams together for a Easter egg hunt at the park. It was so fun to have them here for Easter and my birthday.
My cool boys with Uncle Jim's sunglasses on.